Lily is the oldest (and smallest) of my flock, a five year old parrotlet girl whose favorite pastime is blood extraction maneuvers. She looks adorable and innocent, which is part of her ploy to lure in unsuspecting humans for a nasty bite. (She is so adorable!) This is also where she acquired her nickname, Godzilly, from my friend Cynthia.
Lily is my travel buddy. She goes where I go - hiding in my purse or tucked into my shirt - and has secretly dined in some of the nicest restaurants on Palm Beach Island. She is 4" tall - the size of my thumb. Nothing frightens this parrot. Nothing.
Except, inexplicably, the ocean. I don't take her to the beach.
Lily has a variety of chirps, and I am familiar with each one. She has a happy chirp, and an anxious chirp, and a Where'd You Go? chirp, and an I'm Over Here chirp. She also has a Bird On The Ground (!!) chirp and an angry chirp, and thusly we communicate throughout the day.
Lily has mastered The Art of Looking Pathetic When Mommy is Leaving, and this is probably why she gets to travel so much. My birds each have their own section of my bird-proof house, and are uncaged. The moment I pick up my keys, Lily belts her most anxious ever chirps and, crying, races across the floor in the teeniest, saddest steps, begging me to bring her with me.
And it works! Even when I intend to leave her behind, it simply breaks my heart to hear her cry so, and instead I scoop her up, kiss her forehead, and tuck her into my purse. She will spend much of the day meeting, delighting and trying to bite everyone.
When not attempting to extract blood from friends and strangers, Lily's other pastimes include: chewing on wet paper towels, eating blackberries, showering herself with the condensation on the sides of water glasses, and foraging for her food in foraging plates I make for her.
I enjoyed reading your posts, especially about your Parrotlet. I have two. They are a big bird in a tiny package.
Thank you, Jessie! They are such big birds in such little bodies! Haha that's for sure!